The Github threat
JanKusanagi at 2017-09-28T09:35:15Z
“Many voices arise now and then against risks linked to the Github use by Free Software projects. Yet the infatuation for the collaborative forge of the Octocat Californian start-ups doesn’t seem to fade away.
These recent years, Github and its services take an important role in software engineering as they are seen as easy to use, efficient for a daily workload with interesting functions in enterprise collaborative workflow or amid a Free Software project. What are the arguments against using its services and are they valid? We will list them first, then we’ll examine their validity. [...]”
The original article is a couple of years old, but the points still stand.
ullbeking, EVAnaRkISTO, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, ❌ likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO, Krugor, Stephen Michael Kellat, ❌ shared this.
Renato Candido at 2017-10-04T04:03:16Z
macOS and iOS kernel source code is now available on GitHub #opensource likes this. ❌ shared this.
Sounds like a positive step. I don't own one of these devices, but if I understand correctly the iPhone and iPad won't accept modified/improved software unless it's digitally signed by Apple. Is that right?
Ben Sturmfels at 2017-10-04T06:00:35Z ❌ likes this.
@Ben Sturmfels yes. Possibly you could get around by jailbreaking, I'm not sure - the kernel might be treated specially.
AJ Jordan at 2017-10-07T02:43:27Z
I feel like the IndieWeb wiki is the ArchWiki of the federated social networking world
ullbeking, ❌, Charles Stanhope likes this. ❌ shared this.
Avadiax at 2017-10-07T02:42:45Z
Every company should have a "security.txt" file in their web site., ❌ likes this. ❌ shared this.