
Dianara 1.4.2 released

JanKusanagi at

Finally time for another minor release of Dianara, my desktop application for the Pump.io social network.


Changes since v1.4.1 are mostly small fixes, and include:

  • Changed OK/Cancel buttons in several dialogs to follow your environment's style.
  • Fixed a corner case where a post deleted by its author, while a comment was being composed, would block timeline updates until program restart.
  • When a post is cancelled, abort possible ongoing file upload immediately.
  • Fixed Cancel button being disabled while sending a comment.
  • Fixed a pagination bug that would set the wrong page number if a timeline update had failed previously.

Release post: https://jancoding.wordpress.com/2018/11/18/dianara-1-4-2-is-out/

Cheers! 🙋

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