Doug Whitfield

Doug Whitfield at

I know there are facebook extensions, but is there anything that blocks Trump posts? I'm tired of hearing about him, regardless from which side.
so, I thought through this, and I think I will need an app. I haven't use Dianara in a long time. I am going to give it a look.

Doug Whitfield at 2020-11-11T21:46:17Z

I haven't tested that it actually works, but Dianara does what I want.

Doug Whitfield at 2020-11-11T22:01:18Z

upon reboot Dianara is crashing...

Doug Whitfield at 2020-11-11T22:08:39Z

I think because I commented on a post that mentioned "Trump" but maybe the filter by itself is causing a crash. In any case, removing the filter solved the problem.

Doug Whitfield at 2020-11-11T22:10:53Z