Just got this from the customer:
"I don’t think I did a good job presenting point 3 to you. This was in the context of a Kafka Connect Publisher (Source).. I didn’t do a lot of homeowrk on this but the idea is that Kafka Connect keeps track of where the publisher is in publishing from a source (database). https://docs.confluent.io/platform/6.2.1/connect/javadocs/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/source/So...
I think the response to point 3 was in regards to the standard Java Publisher API and not considering connect. Can I get an alternative response considering Kafka Connect Publishers?"
"I don’t think I did a good job presenting point 3 to you. This was in the context of a Kafka Connect Publisher (Source).. I didn’t do a lot of homeowrk on this but the idea is that Kafka Connect keeps track of where the publisher is in publishing from a source (database). https://docs.confluent.io/platform/6.2.1/connect/javadocs/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/source/So...
I think the response to point 3 was in regards to the standard Java Publisher API and not considering connect. Can I get an alternative response considering Kafka Connect Publishers?"