It's been a long discussion since the dawn of anarchism about voting in State-involved-elections or not. Everyone can decide to vote or not, including anarchists.

My opinion is that participating in a process that goes against the principles of anarchism is not coherent and, as Audre Lorde said, "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house". I refuse to play in a rigged game.

To me, only a horizontally organized social movement, with clear goals and strategy could defeat Capitalism and its armed tool, the State. Sadly, I don't see such movement anywhere in the world and we have less time every second that goes by: In Spain, took decades of workers education and organization for the CNT to launch the Social Revolution when fascists started their coup.

Anyway, Ricardo Mella said (I think) something like "if you want to vote, vote, but the next day fight for Anarchy".