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Checking in batteries is currently not allowed, you need to bring them as carry-on baggage. I believe the original laptop ban banned them entirely from the flight, but that won't work if it's a wider ban affecting major business partners. Certainly a conundrum. Maybe this will spark investment in new battery technology. :-D

Stephen Sekula likes this. Yeah. This whole thing, when it happens, will just decrease passenger safety and increase Traveller anger immediately.

Stephen Sekula at 2017-05-11T13:56:32Z ❌ likes this. Also, I will definitely only travel with my "Wildebook" - a Chromebook with Ubuntu running via crouton on an external SSD. I do not care if the Chromebook is stolen. The data is on an SSD I can carry in my bag. Theft of laptops from checked baggage is more common than people realize. It used to be really bad at LAX. Numerous colleagues going through LA on their way to the South Pole had laptops stolen from checked luggage.

Stephen Sekula at 2017-05-11T14:00:19Z ❌ likes this.