
Sam Harris saying some interesting things about the cybernetic possibilities for human kind

zykotick9 at


@20:46 S.H. suggests future alternative to drug treatments might be mechanically based. starts around 20:46
@21:31 starts talking about Elon Musk's "neural lace" <- didn't i see mention of this in my pump time-line a short time ago?
@23:35 start of slippery slop to cyberbogs converstaion: cell phones; snapchat glasses; google glass.
@24:40 J.R. "Google glass made people very uncomfortable."
@25:21 start of S.H.'s statement on living in a panopticon
is the data worth it?
@27:12 start of self-driving car discussion
@30:35 start of with A.I. - why have people? discussion
@32:12 Disneyland without children
LOL @35:36 if you built a machine to get rid of email spam - the easy answer is to kill all the people
@41:47 S.H. "It is the code that is dictating the intelligence" <- re: AI's intelligence
let's hope it's free software. "free intelligence"
@42:42 S.H. mentions open source
so close - but at least your aware of O.S. :)
@50:24 S.H. ".. our dependence on 'the net' is sobering"
@53:30ish S.H. talking about need for verifiable content, to counter "fake news"
@59:09 robot TSA agents <- would probably be better
@1:09:30 S.H. claims smart phones have eliminated boredom
@1:12:50ish S.H. starts talking about his personal feeling about "social media" / twitter
@1:20:45ish S.H. arrogance and incivility that lead to Trump