Doug Whitfield

Doug Whitfield at

Apparently, these cheese puffs have vitamin D. Guess who no longer is gonna have a vitamin D deficiency? This guy. ❌ likes this.

That's a perfect balance. If you stay inside and eat puffs all day, you need some vitamin D, if you go out for a walk (and presumably leave the puffs at home), you're all good! ❌ at 2017-07-21T07:32:07Z

I am outside every day, since I bike to work.

One problem is that the average January low for example is -13.6111C, which means there's not a lot of exposed skin (or eyes) on the ride.

Another problem is that my dad had skin cancer, and that's not even on the Irish/Swedish side of the family.

I'm not sure if you're insinuating I can't eat puffs and eat at the same time, but I am a pretty talented puff eater.

Doug Whitfield at 2017-07-21T11:38:49Z

eat puffs and walk...need coffee along with puffs, apparently.

Doug Whitfield at 2017-07-21T11:41:44Z